Live Complexity Training Software / TAG Sync upgrades
Live Complexity Training (LCT) includes and extends TAG Sync operations. It is a form of T.A.S.R. - Technology-Assisted Self-Regulation / Self-Realization similar to biofeedback and neurofeedback.LCT software is available for three common bio- and neurofeedback platforms - Cyberevolution’s BioExplorer, Mind-Media’s Nexus BioTrace+ and Thought Technology’s BioGraph Infiniti for Procomp. A BrainMaster version is planned for Summer 2021.LCT utilizes changes in the raw EEG and simple spectral instruments to identify movement toward the left or right. There are special instruments in the LCT screens that monitor and provide feedback when state changes occur along this transdiagnostic continuum. Movement toward the left is called adaptive complexification. It is characteristic of growing up, waking up, and overcoming sickness behavior.Instead of focusing on the many causes of comorbid sickness behaviors, LCT focus on cultivating adaptive complexification, wellness behavior, and skillful means (shown as complex “sizzle” on the left below). Movement to the left is a transdiagnostic biomarker of organismic and clinical improvement. In LCT it provides a moment-by-moment indicator of how our conditioned postures, feelings and thoughts affect our level of awakeness.I use the word sizzle to describe what looks look random white noise but is actually pink noise (also called 1/f - “one over F”) with a charactertic cross-frequency coupling between lower and higher frequencies (cf. timbre). When you zoom in on complexity you see more complexity emerging. This is its fractal nature. But when you zoom in on the signal of Sickness Behavior you see fast waves riding on slow waves. This stereotyped and limiting EEG behavior is also seen in autoimmune encephalitis where it is called the delta brush pattern. In the “ideal (not average) normal” EEG there are no patterns standing out. To explore the significance of the emergence of complexity in physiological signals see LCT Resources - Complexity.You can explore the relationships between the technical terms complexity, sickness behavior, and transdiagnostics by using the resources at and You can read the operations in the [downloads] section.Below is one of the 10 LCTx2 BioExplorer screen designs in the download. [More Info…] Below is one of the 14 LCTx2 Nexus screens in the download. [More Info…] Below is one of the 10 LCTx2 Procomp Infiniti screens in the download. [More Info…]Along with the 2 channel LCT designs each package includes single channel versions that allow you to dupicate and perhaps extend early single channel neurofeedback observations such as SMR and Infra-Low neurofeedback. Each set of screens includes versions that display video or DVD on a second monitor or in a corner of the single monitor designs. There are several audio feedback screen plus the special “Quiet Reward” designs.Package details and prices are at the store.
Mind Supplies
Copyright 2010, 2015, 2021 by Douglas Dailey
Live Complexity Training Software / TAG Sync upgrades
Live Complexity Training (LCT) includes and extends TAG Sync operations. It is a form of T.A.S.R. - Technology-Assisted Self-Regulation / Self-Realization similar to biofeedback and neurofeedback.LCT software is available for three common bio- and neurofeedback platforms - Cyberevolution’s BioExplorer, Mind-Media’s Nexus BioTrace+ and Thought Technology’s BioGraph Infiniti for Procomp. A BrainMasterversion is planned for Summer 2021.LCT utilizes changes in the raw EEG and simple spectral instruments to identify movement toward the left or right. There are special instruments in the LCT screens that monitor and provide feedback when state changes occur along this transdiagnostic continuum. Movement toward the left is called adaptive complexification. It is characteristic of growing up, waking up, and overcoming sickness behavior.Instead of focusing on the many causes of comorbid sickness behaviors, LCT focus on cultivating adaptive complexification, wellness behavior, and skillful means (shown as complex “sizzle” on the left below). Movement to the left is a transdiagnostic biomarker of organismic and clinical improvement. In LCT it provides a moment-by-moment indicator of how our conditioned postures, feelings and thoughts affect our level of awakeness.I use the word sizzle to describe what looks look random white noise but is actually pink noise (also called 1/f - “one over F”) with a charactertic cross-frequency coupling between lower and higher frequencies (cf. timbre). When you zoom in on complexity you see more complexity emerging. This is its fractal nature. But when you zoom in on the signal of Sickness Behavior you see fast waves riding on slow waves. This stereotyped and limiting EEG behavior is also seen in autoimmune encephalitis where it is called the delta brush pattern. In the “ideal (not average) normal” EEG there are no patterns standing out. To explore the significance of the emergence of complexity in physiological signals see LCT Resources - Complexity.You can explore the relationships between the technical terms complexity,sickness behavior, and transdiagnostics by using the resources at and You can read the operations manual in the [downloads] section.Below is one of the 10 LCTx2 BioExplorer screen designs in the download. [More Info…] Below is one of the 14 LCTx2 Nexus screens in the download.[More Info…] Below is one of the 10 LCTx2 Procomp Infiniti screens in the download.[More Info…]Along with the 2 channel LCT designs each package includes single channel versions that allow you to dupicate and perhaps extend early single channel neurofeedback observations such as SMR and Infra-Low neurofeedback. Each set of screens includes versions that display video or DVD on a second monitor or in a corner of the single monitor designs. There are several audio feedback screen plus the special “Quiet Reward” designs.Package details and prices are at the store.