Legal Matters:
Live Complexity Training (LCT) and TAG Sync screens, designs, channel sets, and documents are protected by
United States laws regarding copyright, service and trade mark, and intellectual property.
By purchasing and/or accepting in any fashion any of the TAG Sync designs or files, or any product from “A
Matter of Mind” or, you agree to the following:
1) You have a license to use these materials on no more than two computers at separate times.
2) You will not duplicate or reverse engineer these designs, nor enable others to do so.
3) You will not enable other individuals access to copy or reverse engineer these files.
4) You agree to hold Douglas Dailey and “A Matter of Mind”® not responsible for any losses or damages
resulting from the use of these products.
5) You agree to use these products in accordance with all state and federal laws as well as any codes regarding
your professional practice or consultation.
6) These materials are for informational purposes only. They are not to be used to diagnose or treat.
Thank you for your support.
Copyright 2010, 2015, 2021 by Douglas Dailey